Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Timeline Visualizer in Silverlight/C#: Part 2

The last post was a primer on consuming the TimeLineVisualizer control. If you want to just use the control as is, that is all you would need. You can customize the appearance by changing the colors and brushes in the xaml of TimeLineVisualizer and TimeLine controls. But, if you are interested in how these controls work, here you go:

Link to code (control and demo): http://www.filefactory.com/file/ah13e8g/n/VisualTimelineDemo_zip

Link to demo: http://silverlight.services.live.com/invoke/105917/TimeLine%20Visualizer%20Demo/iframe.html

TimeLineVisualizer xaml:

<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">
RowDefinition x:Name="TimeLineAxisRow" Height="Auto"/>
RowDefinition x:Name="TimeLineObjectsRow" Height="*"/>
Canvas Name="AxisCanvas" Grid.Row="0" Height="50" Margin="0,0,20,0">
Line Name="AxisLine" Stroke="#AA000000" StrokeThickness=".2" Canvas.Top="48" Canvas.Left="0"/>
ScrollViewer Name="PlotScrollViewer" BorderThickness="0" Margin="0" Padding="0" Grid.Row="1" SizeChanged="ScrollViewer_SizeChanged">
Canvas Name="PlotCanvas" SizeChanged="Canvas_SizeChanged" MouseLeftButtonDown="Canvas_MouseLeftButtonDown" MouseLeftButtonUp="Canvas_MouseLeftButtonUp" MouseMove="Canvas_MouseMove" >
LinearGradientBrush EndPoint="0.457,0.296" StartPoint="0.459,1.296">
GradientStop Color="#FFCBCBCB"/>
GradientStop Color="#FFFFFFFF" Offset="1.1"/>

TimeLineVisualizer takes the data in the form of IEnumerable<timelinedata>:

public class TimeLineData : INotifyPropertyChanged


private bool _IsHighLighted;

public Brush BackGround { get; set; }

public object DataContext { get; set; }

public DateTime Start { get; set; }

public DateTime End { get; set; }

public string Label { get; set; }

public object ToolTip { get; set; }

public bool IsHighlighted


get {
return _IsHighLighted; }



= value;

if (PropertyChanged != null)

PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("IsHighLighted"));



#region INotifyPropertyChanged Members

public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;



When you set the ITemsSource for the visualizer, you should be able to massage any data into this form using LINQ, if the data has a schedule-like behavior. There is a DataContext property to hang any app-specific data on the timeline object. This will get included in the DetailRequested event if the timeline is selected at the time.

Xaml for TimeLine:

<Canvas Name="RootCanvas" SizeChanged="Canvas_SizeChanged" MouseLeftButtonDown="Canvas_MouseLeftButtonDown" >

Border Name="TimeLineBorder" CornerRadius="5" BorderBrush="#BB64789B"

BorderThickness="1" Canvas.Top="0" MouseLeftButtonDown="Border_MouseLeftButtonDown" Background="{StaticResource TimeLineBackground}">


TextBlock FontWeight="Medium" MouseLeftButtonDown="Border_MouseLeftButtonDown" FontSize="10" Name="TimeLineTextBlock" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center">


Line Name="BottomBorderLine" Stroke="#FFFFFFFF" StrokeThickness=".1"/>


The visualizer just presents the data in the same order as it receives, so user OrderBy if you want to see data in a sequential format top to bottom. For each TimeLineData object, the Visualizer control creates a TimeLine control, and stack them top to bottom in the canvas PlotCanvas.

private void VisualizeItemsSource()


//we may change the size of the plot depending on number of elements we have to draw.

//Dont want to fire the size-changed event and redraw stuff, so unhook event handler

PlotCanvas.SizeChanged -= Canvas_SizeChanged;

String[] currHighlight = null;

if (PlotCanvas.Children.Count > 0)


= (from tl in PlotCanvas.Children


is TimeLine && ((TimeLine)tl).ItemsSource.IsHighlighted



//remove all existing stuff on the plot canvas


//if the elements can be more than the minimum specified height and still fit into the

//viewport of scrollviewer, do that. Else grow the plotcanvas height to (elementCount * minimumHeight)

PlotCanvas.Height = PlotScrollViewer.ActualHeight;

double totalHeight = PlotCanvas.Height;

double tlHeight = 0;

if (_itemsSource != null)


= totalHeight/_itemsSource.Count();





PlotCanvas.Height = _itemsSource ==null?0: MINIMUM_TIMELINE

How an individual TimeLine visualizes it's data:

void VisualizeItemsSource()


//make sure we have all the values needed, before attempting to visualize

if (_TimeLineEnd != null && _TimeLineStart != null && _ItemsSource != null)


//Width of the event: (event-length / timeline-length) * width of root canvas

double w = (_ItemsSource.End - _ItemsSource.Start).TotalDays / (_TimeLineEnd.Value - _TimeLineStart.Value).TotalDays * RootCanvas.ActualWidth;

TimeLineBorder.Width = (w > 0) ? w : 0;
TimeLineBorder.Height = (RootCanvas.ActualHeight > 3) ? RootCanvas.ActualHeight - 3 : RootCanvas.ActualHeight;

RootCanvas.Background = _ItemsSource.BackGround;

Canvas.SetTop(TimeLineBorder, 1.5);

//place where event starts in the timeline: (event-start - timeline-start)/(timeline-end - event-start) * width of root canvas

double borderLeft = (_ItemsSource.Start - _TimeLineStart.Value).TotalDays / (_TimeLineEnd.Value - _TimeLineStart.Value).TotalDays * RootCanvas.ActualWidth;

Canvas.SetLeft(TimeLineBorder, borderLeft);

//line at bottom of timeline, to separate it from next one.

Canvas.SetTop(BottomBorderLine, RootCanvas.ActualHeight - 0.1);

BottomBorderLine.X2 = RootCanvas.ActualWidth;

//write out the label and tooltip

TimeLineTextBlock.Text = _ItemsSource.Label;

Canvas.SetTop(TimeLineTextBlock, 2);

double textBlockLeft = borderLeft + 4;

if (textBlockLeft < 0)

textBlockLeft = 2;

Canvas.SetLeft(TimeLineTextBlock, textBlockLeft);

textBlockLeft = borderLeft + 5;

if (textBlockLeft < 0)

textBlockLeft = 3;

ToolTipService.SetToolTip(TimeLineBorder, _ItemsSource.ToolTip);

ToolTipService.SetToolTip(TimeLineTextBlock, _ItemsSource.ToolTip);




Here is the method that perform the painful details of drawing the axis:

private void DrawAxis()


//Clear all existing elements in axis canvas


//number of days in the range. Includes partial days.

double numDays = (_endDate.Value - _startDate.Value).TotalDays;

double totalWidth = PlotCanvas.ActualWidth;

//Set the axis to span the whole plot canvas

AxisLine.X2 = totalWidth;


//Get the Width of a day as represented in the axis. This value wil be used to compute

//the date/time info represented by a point on the plot canvas until the next time axis changes

_widthOfADay = totalWidth / numDays;

_mouseHighlight.Width = _widthOfADay;

_mouseHighlight.Height = PlotCanvas.Height;

Canvas.SetLeft(_mouseHighlight, 0 - _widthOfADay);


//The first day may be a partial day. If it is, account for this on the axis.

//axisOffset represents the part of the day before the axis starts

_axisOffset = (_startDate.Value.TimeOfDay - _startDate.Value.Date.TimeOfDay).TotalDays * _widthOfADay;

for (double i = 0; i <= numDays; i++)


//day we are dealing with

DateTime currentDate = _startDate.Value.AddDays(i);

//'left' is the point on the axis that represents the start of the day

double left = _widthOfADay * i - _axisOffset;

//draw the vertical hash on axis

var l = new Line { Y2 = 10, StrokeThickness = 0.1,

Stroke = new SolidColorBrush { Color = Colors.Black } };

Canvas.SetLeft( l, left);

Canvas.SetTop(l, 40);


//Date and DayOfWeek are written on the axis if the width of a day is more than 20

if (_widthOfADay > 20)


//Write date on the axis, starting 3 units from center of the day width

var t = new TextBlock { Text = currentDate.Day.ToString(), FontSize = 9, FontWeight = FontWeights.Thin, Foreground = new SolidColorBrush { Color = Colors.Gray } };

Canvas.SetLeft(t, left + _widthOfADay / 2 - 3);

Canvas.SetTop(t, 30);


//Write dayOfWeek on the axis, starting 3 units from center of the day width

var d = new TextBlock { Text = currentDate.DayOfWeek.ToString().Substring(0,3), FontSize = 9, FontWeight = FontWeights.Medium, Foreground = new SolidColorBrush{Color=Colors.LightGray } };

Canvas.SetLeft(d, left + _widthOfADay / 2 - 8);

Canvas.SetTop(d, 15);



//if it is the first day of the month or the second day on the axis (because the first day may be

//a partial and hence we won't see the value), write the month on the axis

if (i == 1 || currentDate.Day == 1)


var tmonth
= new TextBlock { Text = Enum.GetName(typeof(Months), currentDate.Month - 1), FontSize = 10, FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold, Foreground = new SolidColorBrush { Color = Colors.Gray } };

if (currentDate.Month == 1)

tmonth.Text += " " + currentDate.Year;

Canvas.SetLeft(tmonth, left);

Canvas.SetTop(tmonth, 2);



//Draw the vertical gridline on the plot canvas for the start of the day.


//If the day is today, do some special stuff

if (currentDate.Date == DateTime.Now.Date)


//color the day in plot canvas

ColorColumn(left, _widthOfADay, (Brush)Application.Current.Resources["TimeLineTodayColumn"]);

//Draw a colored rectangle on the axis that spans the entire day

var r = new Rectangle


= AxisCanvas.ActualHeight,

Width = _widthOfADay,

Fill = new SolidColorBrush { Color = Colors.Gray },

Opacity = .1


Canvas.SetLeft(r, left);

ToolTipService.SetToolTip(r, "Today");



//if it is weekend and not today, color it differently.

else if (currentDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday || currentDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday)

ColorColumn(left, _widthOfADay, (Brush)Application.Current.Resources["TimeLineWeekendColumn"]);




Selection / deselection are done by the TimeLine controls. Global deselection of timelines happens when user double-clicks outside a timeline. The timeline raises a GlobalDeselectRequested event, that gets handled by the visualizer. When a double-click happens inside a TimeLine, it raises an event, that causes the visualize to bundle up the datacontexts of all the selected timelines and pass them through in a DetailRequested event. This can be handled by the instatiating page, and do whatever it needs to do with the info.


  1. Nice Post. These types of controls can really add value to a user. We should continue, as developers, to expand our mind when designing how our users can interact with the data that's available.

  2. Very nice! I would love to see a version of this control intended for a specific amount of time in hours:minutes:seconds:milliseconds format, intended for displaying markers for videos etc. That is, instead of StartDate end EndDate, it only has something like LengthInMilliseconds, with StartPosition and EndPosition (in ms), upon which you can add marker TimeLines etc. I already created such a derivation of this control, but it isn't very good at all.


  3. Kurt, I think that would be a different control, although the DrawAxis() method can be leveraged for that.

    You do want the control to interact with some other UI object. With Silverlight 3, you can have binding between UI elements (bind that object to the SelectedTime property or something), or, make this a ContentPresenter like ScrollViewer and have the UI element be displayed within it.

    Good idea, about the control. I think it will be useful.

  4. Hey I too am working on a hours based derviation of this control as well -by modifiying DrawAxis()

    I would like to hours/minutes display start and stop time for link a set of timeline controls to a horizontal scrollbar

    Thanks Jose for your code and post!!..this is very helpful


  5. Thanks for greate control. I did convert it for WPF usage, very cosmetic changes. Is there a version that allows for zooming into hours/minutes/seconds range?

  6. It is very cool that you didn't have trouble converting it to wpf. We didn't have a need to display the timeline in hours/minutes/seconds so I have the range just in days onwards. I think you can add this without much trouble by changing the 'DrawAxis' method; display the time information if the _WidthOfADay property is big enough to allow that.

  7. I don't see it as being that simple. All places that modify start & end dates are dealing with Days, thus making day a smallest time unit. I need a solution where it can scale from seconds up and have zooming delta scale as well.
    If anybody had any work done on that front please don't be shy about sharing. You can email me at behya@yahoo.com

  8. I have problems with zoom in/out when TimeLine and TimeLineVisualizer are used in WPF app. Zoom in/out trigger does not happened. Any help highly appriciated: ivan.silni@gmail.com

  9. The zip file is no longer available for download, is it possible to get it from you again some how?

  10. Hello

    I am trying to download the zip as well. But cannot access it anymore. Can I get it from you?


  11. hi jose, it is great article, good job..

    but i think, the following link that you posted on your article doesn't work anymore..

    Could you please upload that zip file another location like rapidshare?


  12. Let me see if I still have the files somewhere. If I do, I will upload them, refresh the link, and let you know.

  13. thanx a lot jose,
    i am looking forward to hearing your good news..


  14. I am trying to download the zip as well. But cannot access it anymore. Can I get it from you?
